Jock Itch Treatment

Alleviate discomfort from jock itch with OnPoint Urgent Care Houston. Our expert team provides targeted antifungal treatments and comprehensive care to quickly resolve symptoms and promote skin health.

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Jock Itch Treatment

Service Name: Jock Itch Treatment


Jock itch, a common fungal infection in the groin area, can cause significant discomfort with itching, redness, and a burning sensation. OnPoint Urgent Care Houston offers specialized treatment for jock itch, aiming to provide rapid relief and prevent recurrence.

Service Description:

Our team at OnPoint Urgent Care Houston understands the sensitive nature of jock itch. We provide discreet and effective treatment, focusing on both alleviating the current symptoms and educating patients on prevention strategies. Our treatment plans are personalized, considering the severity of the infection and the patient's overall health.

Symptoms and Causes of Jock Itch:

Jock itch typically presents with:

  • Itching and Irritation: Mainly in the groin area, including the thighs and genitals.
  • Red, Ring-Shaped Rash: Often with a slightly raised edge.
  • Flaking, Peeling, or Cracking Skin: Common in the rash area.
  • Burning Sensation: Especially when the rash worsens.

The condition is caused by a fungal infection, often exacerbated by moisture and friction, making athletes and physically active individuals more susceptible.

Comprehensive Treatment Approach:

  • Medical Evaluation: Assessing the affected area to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other conditions.
  • Topical Antifungal Medications: Prescribing creams, powders, or sprays to directly target the fungal infection.
  • Oral Antifungal Treatments: In cases where the infection is severe or doesn't respond to topical treatment.
  • Advice on Skin Care and Hygiene: Tips on keeping the groin area dry, proper bathing, and choosing appropriate clothing to reduce moisture build-up.
  • Lifestyle Recommendations: Guidance on avoiding activities and conditions that exacerbate the infection.
  • Preventive Measures: Educating patients on how to prevent future infections, including hygiene practices and environmental adjustments.

When to Seek Treatment for Jock Itch:

Professional care is recommended if:

  • Over-the-counter antifungal treatments are ineffective.
  • The rash spreads or worsens despite treatment.
  • There are signs of bacterial infection, like swelling, pus, or increasing redness.

Importance of Professional Care:

Effective management of jock itch is crucial to relieve discomfort and prevent spread or recurrence. Professional medical treatment ensures the right diagnosis and the most effective treatment plan, along with advice for ongoing prevention.


At OnPoint Urgent Care Houston, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive and compassionate care for jock itch. Our goal is to help you find relief from symptoms and equip you with the knowledge to prevent future infections.

Your Health is Our Priority:

For expert care and treatment of jock itch, visit OnPoint Urgent Care Houston at 3905 Richmond Avenue, Houston, Texas 77027. We offer personalized care to address your skin concerns effectively. Contact us at 832-810-3000 or visit for more information or to schedule an appointment.


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